Would you like to deliver the best of your blog directly to those who want to read it?
News chosen by you, every day, on the phone and the desktop of your readers, without scrolling through Facebook and Google.
This service is here; it’s called PUSH Notifications.
We tested it on a small group of bloggers. They liked it.
Hear their voices:
“The PUSH notification service is perfect as it is: the news of the day comes immediately to so many people, without having to spam it everywhere and all the time.”
“I am satisfied because the visits come.”
“The notifications are a blessing especially in the first hour, then they are stable in the rest of the day, so they greatly help the blog.”
“The visits are raised when I send the notification.”
WEB PUSH notifications
With push notifications, you communicate directly with readers.
It is as simple as this:
- enable notifications on your blog
- people sign up for your channel
- choose a piece of news to send to your subscribers when you want
- subscribers receive the notice and click on the link
- Result? Readers updated and more traffic.
How to Enable PUSH Notifications
Go to the blog panel, in the PROMOTE section click on PUSH Notifications. PUSH Notifications can only be enacted for blogs at the Gold or higher remuneration level (Platinum).
After accepting the new Terms and Conditions, you land on the Settings page.
Here you can choose between a browser popup and a customized popup.
I suggest you start with the browser Popup which, on average, gets more subscriptions to the channel.
To insert the icon of your blog follow the path on the blog dashboard (Appearance -> Customize -> Header -> Site name -> Site icon).
Having an icon that makes your blog recognizable is essential!
How to create content for PUSH web notifications
Now you can create your news: content to communicate directly with your readers!
In this simple panel, you can create your news.
Title and Text, to briefly describe the news and invite the action: to continue reading, by clicking on the link.
In addition to the icon of your blog, add an image for the news.
Enter the URL you want your visitor to land on, choose a page of your blog, of course!
Finally, schedule the submission and click on Create push notification.
DONE! Now you can find new readers and communicate directly with them all your news, every day.
In the History folder, you can see the notifications you sent and check some statistics. But do not forget to use Analytics to monitor this traffic channel carefully.
PUSH notification limits
Notifications are a great way to communicate directly with your audience, but unfortunately, they also have technical limitations.
Therefore, they do not work on iOS systems. So notifications do not go on iPhone and other Apple devices.
You can not subscribe to the channel and receive notifications if you are browsing from an application (for example that of Facebook or Pinterest).
We have also set a limit on the number of notifications you can send in one day: 1 notification per day for blogs on the platform (GialloZafferano, Cookaround, Pianeta Donna / Mamma, Zingarate, etc.) and three daily notifications for Altervista blogs.
As we said above only blogs at the Gold and above (Platinum) level can access the Push Notification service.
What do PUSH notifications bring, eventually? Traffic, of course.